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Coal Of Sale At East Kalimantan.
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Dear All. A. Sale of coal with the following qualifications: 1.TM = 25.1 2.IM = 16 3. Ash = 4.6 4. Sulfur = 2 5. ADB calori = AR 5.068 5.700 This is the result of ROA dated 12 April 2011 and is already on the jetty 10,000 MT Price Rp 485 thousand / ton. Crusher Kuaro Grogot land east Kalimantan with a capacity of 300 feet, Thank FOB ponton. B. Coal is sold with Qualifications: Quality coal systems analysis / specification: 1.TM = 13.44% ADB 2.AC = 8.68% 3. TS = 0.94% 4.VM = 41.36% 5. FC = 43.42% 6.GCV = 6450 ADB 7.GCV = 6110 ARB. 8. Price = Rp 690 thousand / MT. FOB ponton - Capacity Ponton / Barge 300 feet - Product Capacity = 40,000 MT / month - Minimum 1 year contract / One years. Indent for enthusiasts / buyers make the offer letter. 3 sale of coal with the following qualifications. 1.Sulfur content (ADB) 1% max 2. TM (AR) 32% max above 38% reject 3.Inherent moisture (ADB) 8% above 13% reject. 4. Ash Content (ADB) 8% above 13% reject. 5. Voilatile matter (ADB) by different. 6.Fix carbon (ADB) by different. 7.size 0-50 mm, a minimum of 90%. 8. HGI (Hard groove, grindability index) 42-45 approx. 9 Coal calori 55-53. 10.Lokasi at dondang east Kalimantan 11.FOB ponton NOTE: - Please to make the LOI to us. - And Prices subject to change at any time following the market price. - For the price can be negotiated. For further information please contack to NO: . Thank you. Regards.Bagikan:
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